The LOC: The Legal Officer Case

The Logion Legal Officer Case (LOC) is a kind of digital folder which can be opened by a Logion legal officer (its “owner”) following a request sent by a “requester”. A LOC contains public and private data. Relevant public data are stored on-chain while other public data and private data are stored in the owner’s private database or the IPFS.

A LOC is identified by a unique identifier. The identifier can be used to lookup a LOC both on-chain and in a private database (the same ID is used). LOC IDs are implemented using version 4 UUIDs.

The address of the owner and of the requester are public data stored on-chain.

The LOC can contain three types of items:

  1. The data item is composed of a public name and a public value, both text values are stored on-chain.

  2. The file item is composed of a content (stored into IPFS), a MIME type (stored in the private database), a private name (private database), a public description (on-chain), a hash (of the content, on-chain) and a size (on-chain).

  3. The link item is composed of the identifier of another LOC (on-chain) and a public description (on-chain).

LOCs have the following lifecycle:

  1. Initially, a “draft” LOC is created by the requester. The owner is not yet aware of its existence and the LOC does not yet exist on-chain so that the requester can contribute content and prepare its submission.

  2. Once the requester considers the LOC as ready, he/she submits it to the owner for approval. The LOC is considered as “pending” and still does not exist on-chain.

  3. The owner can either approve or reject the LOC.

  4. If the LOC is rejected by the owner, the requester has the possibility to either cancel his/her request (which will delete all data stored off-chain) or rework it. The LOC is then back to draft state.

  5. If the LOC was accepted by the owner, it is “open” i.e. created on-chain.

  6. While the LOC is open, the requester and the owner may add and remove the items attached to the LOC.

  7. The owner of the LOC can “publish” an item considered as final to the blockchain (i.e. add the item to the LOC on-chain). Once an item has been published, it cannot be removed from the LOC.

  8. Once all LOC items are published, the owner can “close” the LOC. From that point on, the LOC’s content cannot be changed anymore.

While it is not possible to remove a LOC after it was opened (step 5), the requester can ask the owner to void a LOC and, optionally, to replace it with another one. The ID of the replacer is then written on-chain. Even closed LOCs may be voided. This is the only situation where a LOC’s state changes on-chain after being closed.

There are three types of LOCs:

  • The identity LOC links the requester to an actual identity, data of which are stored in the private database. The items provide proof of the identity. A hash of the identity data stored in the private database, called “seal”, is stored on-chain and provided when closing the LOC.

  • The collection LOC enables the requester to submit data (collection items) directly to the chain without passing through the owner (like for LOC items). The collection LOC describes the process followed by the requester for the creation of the collection items. In addition, limits are attached to the collection LOC: a maximum number of collection items and/or a submission deadline expressed in the form of the last block number at which an item can be contributed to the collection (passed that block number, no items can be added anymore). Collection limits are stored on-chain. A more detailed description of collection items will be given later. The requester can submit items only when the collection LOC is closed and not void.

  • The transaction LOC describes any other transaction which is neither an identity verification nor a collection.

The type of the LOC is available on-chain.

LOCs can be viewed by the requester and the owner using Logion web app. The web app merges the data coming from the chain and the off-chain service in a unified view. The requester and the owner only see their LOCs. The LOC’s private view (i.e. the data exposed by the off-chain service) is only available through an authenticated request with access control. The LOC’s public view (i.e. the data exposed by the chain) is available to anyone.

An identity LOC may be requested with an Ethereum address. The user is then able to submit items and the owner is able to close the LOC. A proof of identity can therefore be attached to an Ethereum address (not only Polkadot addresses). This is one of the only features available to Ethereum users for the moment.

Collection items

Collection items are data submitted by a requester in the context of a given collection LOC.

A collection item is composed of:

  • A plain text public description stored on-chain

  • A list of files, the content of which being stored in IPFS and metadata (name, content type, size and hash) on-chain

  • A flag telling if “restricted delivery” is enabled i.e. if the files’ content may be disclosed to a given token owner (see later)

  • A description of the token the ownership of which needs to be checked in case of restricted delivery

  • The terms and conditions associated to the use of the files’ content in case of restricted delivery

Last updated

logion : The Proof of Law - (c) logion AISBL